Feminists for Sale on the Solana blockchain.
Meta Betties is a cross-reality crypto art collective that bridges digital and physical elements in a new way.
Our onchain digital collectible explores cultural conflicts through art satire.
Token holders gain exclusive access to an avant-garde experience: the first OnlyFans-style performance art subversion. In this groundbreaking format, traits from our digital collection take on a life of their own—transforming into tangible elements within provocative, choreographed video shorts.
Meta Betties is the Artist in Residency for 2024 at The Canvas 3.0 Gallery in The Oculus at The World Trade Center NYC. Our concept space blends digital, physical and performance art to drive orchestrated, thematic experiences.
The gallery serves as a launchpad for digital creation, and a home for our collective of artists and social advocates.
Fashion technology serves as an additional vehicle to represent holders’ values and evangelize causes.
NFC tags within the garments digitally connect to Advocacy Campaigns within the Action Center and adopt Act 2 Earn engagement rewards. The garment owner earns the rewards for all of the viral engagements sourced to their apparel!
We are looking for Interns in the area of Dance, Content Production, Web3 Devs, Community and Social Media Management. Join the collective and our space exchange program in the gallery.
We also encourage fellow artists & builders to reach out for creative collab and experimentation opportunities
Below, find a few samples of press. Or click to download our Press Kit.